Sunday, July 20, 2008



Which is actually only 6.2, but I came in with an average 11:31 pace. Go me!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Remember how we were talking about how our faces get all red when we start running and how you can feel the heat from all the blood that has rushed to our heads for a long time post-run?
Theory: Your body starts rushing all available blood to you head because it recognizes the continued pounding of your feet to be a sign that there is a lack of oxygen getting to your brain and you have lost your mother-loving mind.
Also? That "kick" that you might think you're feeling 5 miles into your first attempt to run 6 miles? Is actually a hallucination brought on by the heat radiating back at you from the asphalt. Better not to go as fast as you can. Although it may seem logical that the faster you go, the sooner it will be over, it is, in reality, a bad idea. Very, very, very bad. That is unless you're into the whole "swallowing your own bile because you just don't have the energy to open your mouth and spit" thing.

P.S. 6 miles today. 1 blinking hour and 14 minutes. Freaking straight uphill the whole way. Okay, so maybe not the whole way. But tell that to the blister on my foot.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


oh yeah, I finally managed something over 3 miles!

Total running distance/time: 3.7 in 51. That's a 13.7 min pace. I'm definitely improving!

Of course, this includes warm up and cool down.

Actual running distance/time: 3.1 in 41 That's a 13.2 min pace

Yay for me!!!

especially seeing as Aunt Flo came in just before I walked out the door this morning.

Tips for the next run: get up at 5 instead of 6. It was waaaay too hot already. Also, get different socks. I had to stop for 3-4 minutes in the middle and take off my footwear because the bottoms of my feet were overheating. So much for "nine-dollar-these-will-cool-you-down-I -should-know-because-I-work-at-a-running-store-and-run-way-more-often-than-you-do" socks.

Monday, June 23, 2008

From now on....light dinners

Ok, so I felt crappy whilst running today. After this: Light dinners only on days before I run. blech! I thought I was eating relatively healthily because I had chicken and rice...NOPE!

Today's stats: 2.2 miles, 32. That's a 14 mile pace. I really need to get my butt in gear. The goal for this week is 3 miles on Saturday in 35 or less. Think I can do it?

I didn't do 3 on Sunday because I've modified my schedule somewhat. The new one is as follows:

M, W, Sa running (30-45 minutes M,W. An actual set distance Sa.)
T situps, pushups, etc with Joe's PT group.
Th stadium runs/walks with Joe's group
F off - maybe a light walk. After all, Diesel needs exercise too
Su: walking or biking.

We'll see. I'm kind of excited to be doing the PT stuff because since I'm around people, I'll push myself a little harder. Phillip said he'd start running with me after this week, so that'll help too!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

oh yeah, boo yah, woo hoo

Ok, not only did I get up at 5:30 this morning (thanks for the wake-up call, Paul), but I also STAYED up AND went running!!!!!!!!!!!!

total run/walk time: 36:55.

warmup walk: 6 minutes, .3 miles.
run, first leg: 13 minutes, 1 mile
walk: 4 minutes, .2 miles
run, 2nd leg (yes, I only run on one leg at a time): 10 minutes, .7 miles (clearly slowing down, but whatev.)
walk: 4:55, .2 miles

total distance: 2.4!!!!!!!

There's no reason I can't do 3 miles on Sunday, right?

oh, and do you like how I break it down into the minutest (ha! that's a good pun!) detail? Yeah, that's so I don't get discouraged when I read stuff like this and this.

Which reminds me. I never properly congratulated you on your five mile miracle. so here goes. YOU SO ROCK!!!!!! seriously. I'm jealous. :-)

or in Webdings, that's: YOU SO ROCK!!!!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

title needed

This week's totals:
2.25 @ 10:40 on Tuesday
3 @ 12:00 on Friday
2 @ 11:20 on Saturday
5 @ 11:30 on Sunday

And on Monday I plan to die.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I finally broke the 5 mile mark! 63 minutes, so the pace was just over 12min/mile. I'm not crying, though, since it turned out that the mild stomach ache I had all night was probably FOOD POISONING and I went ahead a ran anyways. A general apology goes out to anyone who happened to get down wind of me Sunday morning. Or Sunday afternoon. Or Sunday evening. My pace was the least of my worries at that point!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Didn't feel well this morning, so I didn't run then, but I did run this evening and I'm not sure if I've made progress or not.

1 mile: 11:12

total trip: 1.2 miles : 16:18, but I walked the last 5 minutes.

I got new shoes yesterday, so my knee hurts right now. It was easier to run, but my knee doesn't like being forced into alignment. It's gonna hurt for a little while, but should ease up pretty soon.

So, I dunno. Progress? Maybe.

Monday, May 26, 2008

titles suck

Alarm: 5:50 AM (*gasp* I KNOW!)

Got out of Bed: 5:54 AM (after almost talking myself into "running tonight". Because, sure! I'll definitely do it! It won't be too hot or anything! I won't be too tired or lazy. )

Finally got all my crap together/walked out the door: 6:20 AM (I really should put all my stuff together at night. Thank goodness my cell has a stopwatch on it!)

Weight: 155 lbs (eep!)

Run: 1.12 miles (because 2 miles was just not doable.)

Time: 13:12:11 (yay for numerical order!)

Overall assessment: Not bad, but definitely needs improvement. Stay tuned. I'm planning sit-ups, pushups and walking for tonight. We'll see.....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Worst attempt at running EVER!

Can I get a boo-yah for that?

Got home, got dressed, stretched out, got my cd player (cuz my iPod is still missing), walked a short warm-up walk and started running. About 1/4 mile into it, I felt like I was going to puke, so I stopped and walked, but my lungs were on fire, my legs were shaky and everything just felt off. So, I turned around and walked myself home and I currently have a lovely, lingering cough for my troubles.

So, I gotta ask: what's the deal-io? I know I haven't run in about a month, but still, it shouldn't have been that ridiculously hard!

On the plus side, my workout on Monday consisted of arms, back, chest, abs and butt. I'm getting stronger! And I think I'm seeing definition in my biceps! yay!

Monday, May 5, 2008


2 miles on Saturday (okay, so we walked, but I'm counting it anyways. We walked fast. Ish.)
3.1 on Sunday in 33:02 with relatively no negative after effects.

Is it just me or is it getting harder and harder to come up with titles for these posts? Bah. Back next week...

Monday, April 28, 2008


I got stood up.
Guess I'll stick to pickin' up litter...

(Don't worry, my 2 mile run cured my broken heart.)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

5.8 on the Booyah Scale

2.5 last Sunday
3.3 tonight

AND, I picked up a chick. See, runners have all the fun!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a little yah, mostly boo

Managed to run 5 (total, not consecutive) miles while in Maui. Nothing this week so far, but am hopeful that will change. You are prepared to haul me weeping and whining over the finish line, right?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

and the boo-yah continues

Yesterday: 3:30-5 pm. More arms and legs again, but no idea of any of the weights at all!

Bench press
Incline bench
Dumbbell press
Lunges (SO PAINFUL!!!)
Calf raises
20 minute cool down walk

I can walk today, but my butt and legs REALLY hurt. Sitting is fine. Standing is fine. Going between the two? Not so much.

Today: 3:30 - 5 pm
Back, shoulders, some arms, some legs. I have NO idea what the exercises are called, but I definitely feel it.

Here's hoping I feel like running on Saturday.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

so the Booyah

No running recently...not really, BUT, look at what I did do!

Yesterday (4/14):

Walked 1/2 mile
Ran 1/4 mile

Bench pressed:
35 lbs 8x
45 lbs 6x
55 lbs 4x
60 lbs 2 x

Dumbbell pressed:
10 lbs 8x
15 lbs 8x
20 lbs 8x

Incline Benched:
25 lbs 8x
30 lbs 6x
35 lbs 4x
40 lbs 2x

55 lbs 8x
65 lbs 6x
75 lbs 4x
85 lbs 2x

oh yeah. I so rock the booyah.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


yesterday, one mile: 9:47.

Yes, only one mile. But, I've not run in 2 weeks. and my dog was trying to kill me by tripping me. I think that deserves a little boo-yah.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What does

2.4 miles in 22:53 mean?


I think a Booyah is in order. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Booyah, Booyah, Boo-YAH

3.5 in 37:42

That's a 10:46 SUSTAINED pace... no stopping, baby! Just pickin' 'em up and puttin' 'em down with a little help from my good friend Steven Tyler. Of course, I can't breathe now, but then again, oxygen's gone and got all big-headed like it's necessary or something. Time to take it down a notch or two, says I.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Next week is going to be better.
Next week is going to be better.
Next week is going to be better.
Next week is going to be better.

Oh, I'm full of good intentions. Motivation? Not so much. Action? Um, no. But, dammit, next week is going to be better!

(0 miles this week. I don't even know how you come up with a min/mile pace for that. I'm pretty sure it equals "sucks", though.)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

stupid kilometers

ok. quick update first, then ranting.

Tuesday: 3/4 - 2 miles, 24:19. No stopping. Felt really good.

Today: 3/9 - 2 miles, 22:51. One 2 minute break in the middle.

Now the rant: Stupid google pedometer. I mapped out what I thought was a 3 mile route. I went and ran it and was pleasantly surprised when I finished the first mile and a half in 11:12. Skeptical, but surprised. But then I decided that the second mile and a half would be slower and harder. Then I get home and my watch says 23 minutes. And I think "there is NO way I ran 3 miles in 23 minutes. That's less than an 8 minute mile. No way." So, I calculated it again and it turns out that the first time I was calculating in kilometers, not miles. Arrrggghhh!!!! So, I just managed to run 2 miles in 23 minutes. Go me.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

38.5 behind

but slowly gaining! (that's right, I'm looking at this as a "the mile is almost done" situation.)

Update: Fri 2/22 - ran for 34 minutes, no stopping. I'm calling it 2.5 (or at least, I'm pretty sure it wasn't 3.

Tues 2/26 - 2 miles. 24 minutes. 1 stop. very little whining. some cussing.
10 pushups. 10 crunches. 10 jumping jacks. boo. yah. grand. ma.

38.5 miles behind, but I'll get there. never you fear!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

And this week...

2 on Tuesday
3 on Thursday
4 on Sunday

Sooooo thankful we've got a few more weeks before I have to cross that 5 mile threshold!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My Turn

Yeah? Well, I didn't run anything last week. Boo-yah. Beat that!

(yeah, I suck.)

Oh, and I was starting my week with Monday, but I don't care....we can start with Sunday, if you want.

(I'm gonna try tomorrow - see if my cough lets me. yay!)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekly confession

Only managed to do one 3-miler this week (we're starting our training week on Sunday, right? I am so confused. I think my brain is swelling from all the running.), but kept it at under 11 min pace. We won't discuss how slow I went up the hills, nor how much I relied on the wind at my back and the downhills to keep it at under 11 minute pace.

Ready for a hefty dose of TMI? After we were done, I pulled off my shoes and socks and left sweaty footprints in the parking lot. Am I classy or what?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Motivation, mental retardation

Ok, so I am having some trouble being motivated. Or, maybe not motivated - maybe it's just I'm having trouble finding a schedule for running. Last week I only managed to run on Tuesday (3 miles @14 minutes - sucky!). I want to keep to the schedule we have, but it's just not working out.
I know a few things about myself that are hindering my running progress.

1. I won't get up in the morning to run. I'll decided to "do it tonight instead".
2. I don't have time on Mondays because of rehearsal - and face it, I've gotta look good for Ga- I mean, rehearsal.
3. I don't like running on Fridays or Sundays. End of the week/end, I think. But, in the scheme of things, I will run on Sunday before Friday.
4. I need a swift kick in the butt.
5. If I don't do something about it now, I won't run in October.

So, here's the plan.

M: no running (no time!)
T: no running (stay late at work day)
W: running
R: running
F: no running (who runs on F?)
Sa: running
Su: running.

Do you think it will work? Here's hoping!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Week in Runview

Th: 1.5 @ 11:05
F: 2.3 @ 10:45
Sa: 2.3 @ 10:35 (Personal Best for a 2 miler!!!!!)

And you?

Saturday, January 26, 2008



Yes, miles. 12:04 pace.


Monday, January 21, 2008

I jesteth not

Saturday: 2 miles 22:58. This included one 1 minute break at mile one (I stopped the clock) and one 1 minute break later during which I continued to walk. A respectable 11:30 minute pace. Although, the clock said the first mile was in 10 minutes.

Today: 1 mile in 9:25!!!!!

not sure how that happened.

and I feel great! go me!

Friday, January 18, 2008

tired? Who me? Never.

booyah! You are now an administrator.......wait. not sure that one worked.....

Yesterday: 1.2 miles in 11:55 - no stopping!
Tomorrow: 2 miles. yikes!

Today: Waaaaayyyyy too much mexican food.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


as in
  • 2 nights in a row
  • 2(.3, to be exact) miles
  • 2 times up a 60 bajillion ft hill (at a 75* angle, at least!) each night

no stopping (11:30 - 12 min pace)
no whining


Psssst: I'm taking tomorrow off.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Entry No. 1

Booyah! I created the blog before you.

also: tonight's run - 1 mile in 11:30 (no stopping!)