Sunday, July 6, 2008


Remember how we were talking about how our faces get all red when we start running and how you can feel the heat from all the blood that has rushed to our heads for a long time post-run?
Theory: Your body starts rushing all available blood to you head because it recognizes the continued pounding of your feet to be a sign that there is a lack of oxygen getting to your brain and you have lost your mother-loving mind.
Also? That "kick" that you might think you're feeling 5 miles into your first attempt to run 6 miles? Is actually a hallucination brought on by the heat radiating back at you from the asphalt. Better not to go as fast as you can. Although it may seem logical that the faster you go, the sooner it will be over, it is, in reality, a bad idea. Very, very, very bad. That is unless you're into the whole "swallowing your own bile because you just don't have the energy to open your mouth and spit" thing.

P.S. 6 miles today. 1 blinking hour and 14 minutes. Freaking straight uphill the whole way. Okay, so maybe not the whole way. But tell that to the blister on my foot.


Jacqueline said...


I'm so proud of you!

by the way: was the bile thing for real or merely for illustrative effect?

susan said...

Bile = pure effect. Had it been real, I would have exaggerated it into full on projectile vomit.