Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Worst attempt at running EVER!

Can I get a boo-yah for that?

Got home, got dressed, stretched out, got my cd player (cuz my iPod is still missing), walked a short warm-up walk and started running. About 1/4 mile into it, I felt like I was going to puke, so I stopped and walked, but my lungs were on fire, my legs were shaky and everything just felt off. So, I turned around and walked myself home and I currently have a lovely, lingering cough for my troubles.

So, I gotta ask: what's the deal-io? I know I haven't run in about a month, but still, it shouldn't have been that ridiculously hard!

On the plus side, my workout on Monday consisted of arms, back, chest, abs and butt. I'm getting stronger! And I think I'm seeing definition in my biceps! yay!


susan said...

I just figure that some days you run the course; some days the course runs you.

Have I mentioned that I'm jealous of your weight training?

Jacqueline said...

no, but that actually makes me feel better! Thanks, man!