Sunday, June 29, 2008


oh yeah, I finally managed something over 3 miles!

Total running distance/time: 3.7 in 51. That's a 13.7 min pace. I'm definitely improving!

Of course, this includes warm up and cool down.

Actual running distance/time: 3.1 in 41 That's a 13.2 min pace

Yay for me!!!

especially seeing as Aunt Flo came in just before I walked out the door this morning.

Tips for the next run: get up at 5 instead of 6. It was waaaay too hot already. Also, get different socks. I had to stop for 3-4 minutes in the middle and take off my footwear because the bottoms of my feet were overheating. So much for "nine-dollar-these-will-cool-you-down-I -should-know-because-I-work-at-a-running-store-and-run-way-more-often-than-you-do" socks.

Monday, June 23, 2008

From now on....light dinners

Ok, so I felt crappy whilst running today. After this: Light dinners only on days before I run. blech! I thought I was eating relatively healthily because I had chicken and rice...NOPE!

Today's stats: 2.2 miles, 32. That's a 14 mile pace. I really need to get my butt in gear. The goal for this week is 3 miles on Saturday in 35 or less. Think I can do it?

I didn't do 3 on Sunday because I've modified my schedule somewhat. The new one is as follows:

M, W, Sa running (30-45 minutes M,W. An actual set distance Sa.)
T situps, pushups, etc with Joe's PT group.
Th stadium runs/walks with Joe's group
F off - maybe a light walk. After all, Diesel needs exercise too
Su: walking or biking.

We'll see. I'm kind of excited to be doing the PT stuff because since I'm around people, I'll push myself a little harder. Phillip said he'd start running with me after this week, so that'll help too!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

oh yeah, boo yah, woo hoo

Ok, not only did I get up at 5:30 this morning (thanks for the wake-up call, Paul), but I also STAYED up AND went running!!!!!!!!!!!!

total run/walk time: 36:55.

warmup walk: 6 minutes, .3 miles.
run, first leg: 13 minutes, 1 mile
walk: 4 minutes, .2 miles
run, 2nd leg (yes, I only run on one leg at a time): 10 minutes, .7 miles (clearly slowing down, but whatev.)
walk: 4:55, .2 miles

total distance: 2.4!!!!!!!

There's no reason I can't do 3 miles on Sunday, right?

oh, and do you like how I break it down into the minutest (ha! that's a good pun!) detail? Yeah, that's so I don't get discouraged when I read stuff like this and this.

Which reminds me. I never properly congratulated you on your five mile miracle. so here goes. YOU SO ROCK!!!!!! seriously. I'm jealous. :-)

or in Webdings, that's: YOU SO ROCK!!!!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

title needed

This week's totals:
2.25 @ 10:40 on Tuesday
3 @ 12:00 on Friday
2 @ 11:20 on Saturday
5 @ 11:30 on Sunday

And on Monday I plan to die.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I finally broke the 5 mile mark! 63 minutes, so the pace was just over 12min/mile. I'm not crying, though, since it turned out that the mild stomach ache I had all night was probably FOOD POISONING and I went ahead a ran anyways. A general apology goes out to anyone who happened to get down wind of me Sunday morning. Or Sunday afternoon. Or Sunday evening. My pace was the least of my worries at that point!