Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Didn't feel well this morning, so I didn't run then, but I did run this evening and I'm not sure if I've made progress or not.

1 mile: 11:12

total trip: 1.2 miles : 16:18, but I walked the last 5 minutes.

I got new shoes yesterday, so my knee hurts right now. It was easier to run, but my knee doesn't like being forced into alignment. It's gonna hurt for a little while, but should ease up pretty soon.

So, I dunno. Progress? Maybe.

Monday, May 26, 2008

titles suck

Alarm: 5:50 AM (*gasp* I KNOW!)

Got out of Bed: 5:54 AM (after almost talking myself into "running tonight". Because, sure! I'll definitely do it! It won't be too hot or anything! I won't be too tired or lazy. )

Finally got all my crap together/walked out the door: 6:20 AM (I really should put all my stuff together at night. Thank goodness my cell has a stopwatch on it!)

Weight: 155 lbs (eep!)

Run: 1.12 miles (because 2 miles was just not doable.)

Time: 13:12:11 (yay for numerical order!)

Overall assessment: Not bad, but definitely needs improvement. Stay tuned. I'm planning sit-ups, pushups and walking for tonight. We'll see.....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Worst attempt at running EVER!

Can I get a boo-yah for that?

Got home, got dressed, stretched out, got my cd player (cuz my iPod is still missing), walked a short warm-up walk and started running. About 1/4 mile into it, I felt like I was going to puke, so I stopped and walked, but my lungs were on fire, my legs were shaky and everything just felt off. So, I turned around and walked myself home and I currently have a lovely, lingering cough for my troubles.

So, I gotta ask: what's the deal-io? I know I haven't run in about a month, but still, it shouldn't have been that ridiculously hard!

On the plus side, my workout on Monday consisted of arms, back, chest, abs and butt. I'm getting stronger! And I think I'm seeing definition in my biceps! yay!

Monday, May 5, 2008


2 miles on Saturday (okay, so we walked, but I'm counting it anyways. We walked fast. Ish.)
3.1 on Sunday in 33:02 with relatively no negative after effects.

Is it just me or is it getting harder and harder to come up with titles for these posts? Bah. Back next week...